Monday, April 12, 2010


Went to Batam last weekend..
Not to lup sup ok..
Went with my department..
Location being Harris Resort..

Was quite surprised at the service
They can do express check in..where they collect our passports and we just went through the customs without verifying the face to the passport..somemore without actually counting the people walking past.
And it was 30 over people..
So I wonder where is the security..
What if somebody with a black cap and a black bag just went to the resort..
If you have seen the video on the mrt, you will know how dangerous it is haha..

Anyway, went for massage at Batam Center..not the sleazy one of cos..
Either I am too boney or I am unhealthy
Foot and back massage was pain to the max..
Foot was fine after, but my back is still a little pain now..
And I was sweating throughout the back massage..
Maybe I am not cut out for massages..

Ended the day trip with a root beer float from A&W and waffle ice cream..
As we had to rush back for some teambuilding games (the purpose of the trip is to build relationships)..
But I think the REAL teambuilding was when some of us went to my room and played card games..
Finishing a bottle of vanilla vodka..playing card games like "Avalanche" until 4 am..
It was hilarious and fun..
That game rocks..

Well..another highlight of the trip is when my passport was chopped and indicated that I was back in Singapore at 11am..
When we were all still at the resort and the ferry only leaves at 530pm..
The wonders of express check out..

At least I got my 1st 100k when I was at Batam..
I changed $20 which gave me approximately 120k rupiah..
Talk about cheap thrills..haha