Tuesday, May 26, 2009



I think I am addicted to it..I drink it so often now..

Hopback ale..
Singapore pale ale..
Scottish ale..
Munich dark..

And my taste for the darker beers are getting there..
except I still wonder how Mitch and Ojay enjoy drinking Guinness draught..
Well..its an acquired taste..
And Shichang is acquiring it right hahaha...
While I am still a work-in-progress..

A tower of scottish ale coming up!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May is here!!

Nothing much happening recently..
except that have been drinking quite abit..
but all of the sessions were fun I must say..

Anyway, heard this joke on radio..

QN: What do you call a pig which rode an aeroplane?

I bet the first thing that comes to mind is air pork..
But it's WRONG!!

It's got to do with something that is causing a lot of hoo haa nowadays..

It's even hotter than the topic about recession..

The answer is...

" Swine Flew (flu) "!!!!