Thursday, January 28, 2010

Latest and Greatest

So people always ask me what's the latest and greatest (e.g. Audrey)..
And of cos the e.g. is referring to the people, not the latest and greatest.. could say about the disasters around the world..Haiti..Peru..
You could say the economy China..
You could say Obama's measures against Wall Street that didn't seem to materialise..
Or somebody died while watching Avatar..
Brad Pitt splitting with Angelina Jolie..
2 China players in the semis for Australian Open (are they taking over the world??)
The list goes on..

But..somehow to me (at least for today), the biggest news has to be this..

The launch of the iPad.

Someone said this on facebook..

"iPad 16gb for those light-flowing days, and iPad 64gb for the extra heavy days"

Well..this video says it all..

Saturday, January 16, 2010


2010 so far has been pretty eventful I must say..

Early on in the year, bought my first shares in the stock market..
Up and down so far..
But suddenly I become so informed of whatever is happening in the business world..
The coming bankruptcy of Japan Airlines, bank fees to recover taxpayer bailouts to be inroduced by Obama, lawsuits against Bank of America, profits of Alcoa not meeting expectations, and then there is Kraft's bid for Cadbury, with Ferrero involved.
But it's quite interesting I must say..something else to read up other than soccer news..

And then there is some unexpected news..
Which has been bothering me quite abit..
But at least it didnt turn out very bad..
And I hope and pray everything will be fine soon..

Then there are news of KPMG increasing pay, to even higher than the original pay usual they are the market leader for new policies..
PWC followed suit, with news of reinstatement (although I heard they called it increment)..
Just when everybody is demotivated, and I have a very good reason to say I am not motivated to work (not like I always have)..
EY comes out with news that we are reverting to the original pay scale..
No more excuses, but more money for beer!!
And isn't the big 4 something like a cartel as well, something like what the petrol stations are doing..raising prices together, decreasing prices together..
But who cares, at least the imbalance in pay is no longer so big..

And lastly, even mahjong has been topsy turvy..
WIn quite big, lose quite big.
Hope will always be huat huat and then CNY can huat somemore..haha

Anyway this may be quite outdated, but I still think he is quite amazing to play it this well

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year post

It was a good break before the turn of the year..
Until I still can't get back the momentum at work this week~
Had beer, good food, went Sentosa and everything that was so relaxing..
I wish everyday was like that!

Anyway it's my 1st blog post with my new imac!
I must say its awesome..everything is fast and easy to use..
I might never convert back to a pc..
Now I know why ppl always say once you switch to a Mac, you never look back

New year, new resolutions?
Well, for me, the year hasn't started really well..
I wouldn't say I wanna make resolutions..I never fulfil them, neither do I have any major ones..
However, I just wish that everyone around me, especially my loved ones, will have a good year ahead and all will go well..

Happy 2010!

Audrey, this post isn't the latest or greatest but at least it's a post!